Happy Thoughts
We believe delicious food starts with healthy land. Pasture Raised Pork is the foundation. Our pork is raised in lush, grassy pastures on family farms with no added hormones or antibiotics. Our pork is well-marbled with healthy fat, so the meat is savory, juicy, and unbelievably tender. Then we use time honored traditional methods to craft amazingly delicious snacks.
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Happy Thoughts
The Singing Pastures Blog

What does it mean to me to be a 9th generation ...
It means we have experience. Wisdom passed down for generations. It means we are tuned into the natural world and our own instincts. Sure, we've made a lot of mistakes...
What does it mean to me to be a 9th generation ...
It means we have experience. Wisdom passed down for generations. It means we are tuned into the natural world and our own instincts. Sure, we've made a lot of mistakes...
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